Vision Consulting

We call it “mission drift.”

When your organization is successful enough for long enough, that legacy itself becomes a threat. Healthy habits become inflexible ruts, internal disputes eclipse genuine progress, and donors and partners can no longer explain why you mattered so much in the first place.

Mergers, leadership transitions and funding shakeups are all frightening. But they each present an incredible chance to rediscover your mission and revitalize your organization. Here’s how I’ve helped others renew, rebrand and even reform.

& Identity

Through consultations with stakeholders, interviews with partners and research into your community, we’ll distill your organization’s work into one clear, powerful message.

Your takeaways might include:

Charter Presentation

Presents your board with research findings and creates a chance to discuss pivotal decisions, with me moderating as an impartial third party

Communications Charter

Defines your message, your goals and your brand identity – both for board members and for the community you serve

Story Outline

Teaches stakeholders and partners how to explain your mission with consistency and clarity

Organizational Strategy

With internal clarity and buy-in for your mission, we’ll develop a plan for renewal throughout your organization and community.

Your takeaways might include:

Marketing Strategy

Outlines what we’ll need to create and what you’ll need to do to clarify your message for clients and donors

Internal Strategy

Outlines operational changes you might choose to make, from renamed committees to new roles and responsibilities

Website Plan

Updates your website’s goals and maps the user experience (UX), sitemap, navigation and homepage wireframe – everything a web developer needs to redesign your site

Core Creative

Once your message is clear, we’ll create the most essential tools you need to share it effectively, over and over again.

Your takeaways might include:

Logo & tagline

Based on your organization’s message and identity

Website copy & development

Based on your marketing strategy

Explainer Video

Based on your message, identity and strategy

Additional photography or illustration

As required by your marketing strategy

Vision & Identity

Through consultations with stakeholders, interviews with partners and research into your community, we’ll distill your organization’s work into one clear, powerful message.

Your takeaways might include:

Charter Presentation

Presents your board with research findings and creates a chance to discuss pivotal decisions, with me moderating as an impartial third party

Communications Charter

Defines your message, your goals and your brand identity – both for board members and for the community you serve

Story Outline

Teaches stakeholders and partners how to explain your mission with consistency and clarity

Organizational Strategy

With internal clarity and buy-in for your mission, we’ll develop a plan for renewal throughout your organization and community.

Your takeaways might include:

Marketing Strategy

Outlines what we’ll need to create and what you’ll need to do to clarify your message for clients and donors

Internal Strategy

Outlines operational changes you might choose to make, from renamed committees to new roles and responsibilities

Website Plan

Updates your website’s goals and maps the user experience (UX), sitemap, navigation and homepage wireframe – everything a web developer needs to redesign your site

Core Creative

Once your message is clear, we’ll create the most essential tools you need to share it effectively, over and over again.

Your takeaways might include:

Logo & tagline

Based on your organization’s message and identity

Website copy & development

Based on your marketing strategy

Explainer Video

Based on your message, identity and strategy

Additional photography or illustration

As required by your marketing strategy

Every organization is different. If you’re ready to recapture your mission and renew your purpose, contact me and we’ll customize the journey above to suit your organization’s needs.